5 tips when you’re downsizing


Whether you’re releasing equity, retiring or looking for a new start after the family has flown the nest, downsizing is a popular move.


There are many reasons for looking for a smaller property. No matter what reason you have for moving to a smaller home, there’s one issue you can’t escape: space!


If you’ve lived in a larger property, you will not have room for all your furniture and other possessions. Forget ideas of ‘clever storage’, it’s time to ask yourself whether you really need all that stuff.


Here are 5 tips to help you make a smoother move to your new home.


5 tips when downsizing


1. Start planning

Whenever you move home, the early you plan the better. It’s even more essential when downsizing. What do you really need to take with you? And what about cost of moving, for example:
    •    Legal fees
    •    Survey costs
    •    Conveyancing fees
    •    Removal costs

When downsizing, you’ve also got to consider costs of a house clearance firm or council waste services. While selling those possessions that are no longer needed sounds great, you may not achieve those sales. So, work out what will sell, what won’t and plan to get rid of them ASAP!


2. Declutter 3 months before moving

As part of your planning procedure, start decluttering!

In fact, whether you’re upsizing, downsizing or buying a similar-sized property, when it comes to moving, decluttering is essential! Why bother paying to move things you no longer need or use?

You will not have the space when downsizing, so don’t leave clearing out till the last minute. Start decluttering at least 3 months before your move. The more you do in advance the better, and the less stress you’ll have when it comes to moving day.


3. Measure furniture

And we’re not just talking ornaments! If your new bedroom is smaller, will you really be able to fit your twin wardrobe in your new home?

Furniture sizes differ, so check everything. For example, will your dining table will fit? If it won’t, sell it or give it away to save you hassle! As we’ve already mentioned, if you’re left with stuff you no longer have room for, you’ll need to get rid before moving day.


4. Don’t rent storage

Some people may decide to that if they have too much furniture or possessions, they can simply store them and they’ll sort them out later. That’s a bad idea!

The truth is, you’ll end up renting for way longer than you planned. As well as not sorting the problem, this will soon rack up costs! An average unit costs around £140pcm. If your month of storage turns into six, you’re spending almost a grand to hang on to stuff you don’t need.


5. Call in friends and family

We all have friends and family members who are pretty ruthless! So, ask them to help out when you start making lists of what to keep. They will challenge you about what you really need.

Get them involved when you view your new property to give them an idea of space. They’ll hold you accountable and will honestly tell you what to ditch!

If you’re thinking of downsizing, speak to our team so you can be one of the first to be alerted when a suitable property becomes available.

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