How decluttering helps you sell your home


When it comes to selling your home you need to remember that you only get one chance to make a first impression! So if you want to impress, then decluttering can really help improve your chances for a quick sale.

Even in a recently-decorated property, it can give the wrong impression if you can’t see the floor because of the clutter. Those who view will see the mess and remember that rather than the best bits, according a Which study!

The reason is that buyers need to see a blank canvas so they can imagine themselves in the home. If they can’t, then they’ll walk away.

And there are more reasons why decluttering helps when it comes to moving home. Here are a few more:


You’re emotionally ready to move

If you’ve lived in a home for some time you cannot help but be emotionally attached. Even if you decided sometime ago that the property is no longer fit for purpose, it can still be emotional moving.

Sorting through your stuff helps you see what you really need to take with you and allows you to ‘move on’. Even if you’re upsizing, do you really need to bring ALL your boxes of never-used collectibles?

Throwing away the non-essentials means you can get rid of the things that are no longer necessary in your life. Plus, it frees up space for those items that will fill your new pad.


You’ll be more prepared

Moving home is always a bit of a nightmare because you face dismantling your furniture and sorting what goes where. If you have already decluttered, you’ll be more organised when moving day arrives.

This not only means packing is less stressful, the whole thought of moving will be less overwhelming. How good will it be to look forward in anticipation?


Buyers can focus on the best bits

As we’ve already mentioned, buyers can be distracted if they’re stepping over toys or your collection of guitars. The clutter means they can’t work out the real size of the rooms and you having too much in a room can make it feel artificially dark.

Decluttering also allows them see the condition of the floor and walls and proves you’re not hiding anything. If a buyer imagines themselves in your home, then they’re more likely to buy!

If you’re selling your home in Washington or further afield in Tyne and Wear and want help making a better impression, our experienced team can help. Please contact us today for details.

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